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Do men lose weight faster than women?

7:51 PM, Posted by ahmad shahir, No Comment

Answer: Yes, as unfair as it may seem, men do tend to lose weight faster than women. This can be upsetting, particularly when a man runs around the block a few times and seems to instantly lose 10 pounds while a woman's weight loss moves about as fast as a snail.

But, there are physiological reasons for that difference:

  1. Men have more muscle. This allows them to burn more calories, even when at rest.
  2. Women are predisposed to store and retain fat. Women have higher levels of estrogen, a hormone that works works to keep the fat on a woman's body so it's easier for her to get pregnant. That means women have to work harder to lose weight at the same rate as men.
  3. Men's bodies respond more quickly to exercise. Women's bodies, meanwhile, actually go into a sort of starvation mode, slowing the metabolism to hang onto more fat.
  4. Women may have a lower tolerance for exercise. Women have smaller lung capacity than men, which can make women feel as though they are working harder than men even if the women are working at the same level. This can also make exercise feel harder in the heat or high humidity.

This doesn't mean it's impossible for women to lose weight and, when you think about, excellent reasons are behind a woman's tendency to store fat. After all, creating and nurturing a new life is nothing to sneeze at.

It's always best to avoid comparing yourself to others, whether male or female, when it comes to weight loss. Everyone loses weight differently, and genes, along with hormones, play a large role in how quickly some people lose weight.


Harms, Craig; Rosenkranz, Sara. Sex Differences in Pulmonary Function during Exercise. Med Sci Sports & Exerc. 40(4):664-668, April 2008.

Tarnopolsky, Mark A. Sex Differences in Exercise Metabolism and the Role of 17-Beta Estradiol. Med Sci Sports & Exerc. 40(4):648-654, April 2008.

Do You Want to Lose Weight in a Week?(How to Lose Weight Quickly)

8:50 PM, Posted by ahmad shahir, No Comment

How to Lose Weight Quickly

People always search for some quick way to lose weight. Is it really possible to lose weight quickly? Is it really possible to lose weight in a week? Yes, it's possible. Now don't take me wrong here. It is possible to lose weight in a week but the main question is how much weight can you lose in a week?

Before I give you answer of above question, you need to understand few things. You might have seen in TV ads or read in magazines that you can lose so much weight in just a week. Lies! Those people are telling you lie to sell some of their weight loss pill or their magical products. They make you think that you can really lose so and so much lbs of weight in week. In fact there is no magic available to lose weight quickly. You can at most lose 1 or 2 pounds in a week.

Weight loss totally depends on the calories you consume. If you take less calories than required by your body, you will lose weight automatically. There is no magic in losing weight. If your body needs 3000 calories per day and you start taking 2500 calories (500 less than required) per day, you will lose 1 pound weight every week. Yes, taking 3500 less calorie will lose 1 pound of your weight.

Now you might think that why take only 500 less calories per day. You can take 1500 less calories per day and you will lose 1 pound in just 2 days. Don't let this idea enter to your mind. Losing weight fast is unsafe and unhealthy. If you do so, you will end up losing muscles instead of fat. You body will understand that there is something wrong and it will adjust itself in such a way that you will not lose any fat. Your body will keep fat instead of losing.

If you want to lose weight in a week then Calorie Shifting Method is available. Using this method you can lose calories without eating less. To know more, CLICK HERE.

How to Lose Weight Quickly

Weight Loss Secrets - Desperate to Lose Weight Quickly(How to Lose Weight Quickly)

9:08 PM, Posted by ahmad shahir, No Comment

How to Lose Weight Quickly

Millions of People Are Desperate to Lose Weight Quickly.

There is a lot of hype about the right way to lose weight. Chances are you are like many people than you are desperate to lose weight quickly. The reality is that there is a ton of "improved" diets that all claim to have the right mix of physical exercises, along with specific calorie intake to lose weight. I am sure you have already tried several of them before and you are probably desperate to lose weight quickly.

Many natural weight loss aids are currently available, and they all claim to have the secret you have been searching desperately for. So I am desperate to lose weight quickly, what should I do. You simply need to learn the fundamentals of losing weight before you go on.

Fundamentals of Losing Weight; I am desperate to Lose Weight Quickly

Simply, you need to suppress your appetite down so that you are consuming a healthy amount of calories per day. One way I recommend suppressing your appetite is by drinking plenty of water. This keeps your stomach full and also speeds up your metabolism.

Increase your physical activity each and every day. Don't try to go all out your first week of weight loss, take it slow and slowly work towards your goals. The most common problem is that people are desperate to lose way quickly and they don't pace themselves and get burnt out.

A combination of dieting and exercise is very important if you are desperate to lose weight quickly. Dieting alone does not do everything.

How to Lose Weight Quickly